Insights learned at a Leadership Conference with Operation Save America

This is a short synopsis I wrote for the benefit of a couple of my friends after participating in OSA Leadership Conference at Louisville, Kentucky in 2017. I ran across this today and thought it would be worthwhile to add to a blog format in the chance it might be beneficial to others.     […]


VILLIANY AFOOT AT HELL’S HILL!! This would be the headline of the nightly local news and newspapers should the people of Tennessee actually care about the pre-born. I read about upcoming events, such as “Pro-life Woman’s Day on The Hill” sponsored by Tennessee Right to Life in March, and it absolutely SICKENS MY STOMACH!! LIARS […]


The internet is full of idolatry.   A virtual pseudo universe full of fast moving pictures and ideas, some designed to tantalize and some designed to mindlessly entertain. Others still designed to expand the mind. It is a dangerous balancing act we as Christians embark on every time we log in and burn these displays […]


How do we know that we are counted as one of Christ’s and how does the world know? Is this something that is known by wearing the right T-Shirt?  Or perhaps, does the right bumper sticker tell the world?  Would an unbeliever know you are a Christian by your walk?  Who does Jesus claim as […]


A phrase that is common in our home is “remember who you represent”.

If you were to be raised in the Cooper household this would likely be one of the last things you would hear as you were dropped off to spend time with friends, family, go to a football game, or even a church activity. What we are asking of our children is that they keep in mind that every action they do, or do not do reflects on the Cooper name. Every conversation they engage in tells the world about the standards and values that we, as the parents, have instilled in our children. The way our children hold themselves, the kindness they show to others, the respect they give to authority figures, all of these are calling cards for the Cooper family.